'Outdoor' Activities

In the latest video from Roots to Fruit, Jon explains how we can identify trees and shrubs in the winter.

The link below takes you to an RtF webpage that also holds a quiz for you to complete and submit that corresponds to the video!

It was pointed out to me by one teacher following the last quiz we put together, that there was nowhere for you to indicate your name or form when you send your answers in. It's a fair point - but can be easily remedied if you include those things in your reply emails.


Our friends at Roots to Fruit have produced a couple of videos for you to watch to learn about measuring the root system of a tree, and ageing a tree. To learn more about RootstoFruit have a look at their web page http://rootstofruit.co.uk/ .

Bird Watching - If you are a fan of watching birds, Miss Mason has put together some resources, including craft ideas, and recipes for birds, to help whilst you are working at home. Click on the links below to access them.

Bird Watcher's Activity Sheets

Bird Watcher's Craft Ideas

Bird Watcher's Recipes

To access some fun activities from the Woodland Trust, click here.

To access some fun activities from the RSPB, click here.